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We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
We have a curated list of the most noteworthy news from all across the globe. With any subscription plan, you get access to exclusive articles that let you stay ahead of the curve.
MERSCOPE Ultra, with a 3x larger imaging area, double the speed, and improved MERFISH sensitivity, will provide researchers with increased sample flexibility and throughput, accelerating advancements in human and translational research.
NanoCellect Biomedical has introduced VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter, featuring cutting-edge brightfield imaging, fluorescent detection, and microfluidic sorting capabilities with two-laser technology offering up to nine distinct fluorescent image channels to precisely sort individual cells based on morphology and fluorescence, crucial for immuno-oncology studies and other fields.
MERSCOPE Ultra, with a 3x larger imaging area, double the speed, and improved MERFISH sensitivity, will provide researchers with increased sample flexibility and throughput, accelerating advancements in human and translational research.
MERSCOPE Ultra, with a 3x larger imaging area, double the speed, and improved MERFISH sensitivity, will provide researchers with increased sample flexibility and throughput, accelerating advancements in human and translational research.
Agilent Technologies Inc. has unveiled the NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer, setting a new standard by offering up to 73 detectors with three to five lasers, enabling sophisticated flow cytometry assays while providing advanced spectral capabilities and user-friendly design for various research applications.
NanoCellect Biomedical has introduced VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter, featuring cutting-edge brightfield imaging, fluorescent detection, and microfluidic sorting capabilities with two-laser technology offering up to nine distinct fluorescent image channels to precisely sort individual cells based on morphology and fluorescence, crucial for immuno-oncology studies and other fields.
MERSCOPE Ultra, with a 3x larger imaging area, double the speed, and improved MERFISH sensitivity, will provide researchers with increased sample flexibility and throughput, accelerating advancements in human and translational research.
Agilent Technologies Inc. has unveiled the NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer, setting a new standard by offering up to 73 detectors with three to five lasers, enabling sophisticated flow cytometry assays while providing advanced spectral capabilities and user-friendly design for various research applications.
NanoCellect Biomedical has introduced VERLO™ Image-Guided Cell Sorter, featuring cutting-edge brightfield imaging, fluorescent detection, and microfluidic sorting capabilities with two-laser technology offering up to nine distinct fluorescent image channels to precisely sort individual cells based on morphology and fluorescence, crucial for immuno-oncology studies and other fields.
• Mehr als 7.000 Landwirte durch das Programm zertifiziert, der Ertrag der einzelnen Landwirte erheblich gestiegen • Über 7.000 Hektar meist halbtrockener Böden wiederholt nach...
Auf die Titanoberfläche des Implantats aufgebracht, stellt das biomimetische, antimikrobielle Material die Verbindung zum Knochen her – es haftet selbstständig an. Der Clou: Der Gewebekleber, der die haftende Eigenschaft von Miesmuscheln nachahmt, ist druckbar und lässt sich sogar auf gekrümmte, unebene Flächen drucken.
Schädlinge auf Pflanzen wirkungsvoll bekämpfen, ohne dabei anderen Organismen zu schaden – daran arbeiten Forschende in dem vom Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) koordinierten Verbundprojekt ViVe_Beet, das vom Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) gefördert wird. An dem Projekt beteiligt sind Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des JKI-Instituts für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland, des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie IME und des Instituts für Zuckerrübenforschung (IfZ).
Heute gibt Eppendorf, ein renommiertes führendes Unternehmen der Life Science Industrie, die Markteinführung der überarbeiteten Enhanced Feature Set GxP Software-Erweiterung für epMotion automatisierte Liquid...